Sunday, November 17, 2013

House Tour: Living Room (BEFORE Before)


Just when I resigned myself to losing the pictures of our house when we first moved in 10 years ago...I FOUND THEM.

These are so bad, they're good.  I had to re-post the living room, they're that good.  And they're gonna make the rest of the before and afters soooo much better!

The bad is so so bad because the house was staged when it went up for sale.  The stagers hung a painting in every room and chose a color from that painting to paint all four walls.  We called it the clown house because not only was every room a different color, but they were deep, bold colors that didn't work together at all. 

If that wasn't bad enough, we lived with it like that for seven years.  SEVEN YEARS!  I blame the first half on both of us working full time and not being home enough to care, and the last half to the blur of starting a family.  Two kids 19 months apart will do that to you.

Same room as the previous post, just a few different angles and much better befores.  Behold the "Sage Green" living room...

Entryway into Living Room

I have to justify my embarrassment, these before pictures were taken only a few months after we moved in.  Two young adults, not even married, hardly any furniture to our names and no idea how to fill our big new old house. 

The Old Fireplace

I didn't love that fireplace.  The side doors wouldn't close, it wasn't even functional and it took up a lot of space in the room.  But I did love the mantel.  It was the only place I ever tried to put anything decorative together.

I don't miss it at all!

View from the Dining Room

How bad were those room colors?  How bad was that old ceiling fan?  That floating yellow laminate floor?

And those blinds!?!? 

But notice that good old leather chair.  Still has it's place in the same room.  In the same spot.  Even after all these years :)